First of all, I only just realized that people can leave comments, and that people have. Thank you! I will endeavour to answer any questions that are asked.
Last night two teachers from school took us out to dinner, to a restaurant in Lockhart Rd called American Peking Restaurant. The food is Beijing(Peking) style, and the word 'American' was put in the title to attract American GI's during the war. Apparently it's popular with expats, and as soon as anyone comes to visit us in Hong Kong, we will take them there. We ate:
Deep-fried seaweed: This was incredible. The seaweed was sort of shaved, so it was a mound of tiny squiggles of green, and it tasted a lot like tasty French Fries. It was also served with chips made out of bamboo. Both divine.
Beef pockets: These were little pita-like pockets, with sesame seeds stuck on one side, and these are served with a mound of deep-fried very skinny bits of beef and carrot in a sweet sauce. You put the beef in the pockets - lovely.
Steamed broccoli with garlic: Delicious
Sweet chilli prawns: Deep-fried butterfly prawns served on a sizzling platter (like a fajita platter) and at the table they pour a sweet chilli sauce over the top, and it sizzles and sends off tons of steam.
Duck on little tortillas: This isn't its real name, I'm sure, but it was little tortillas (about 15cm diameter) on which you smear sweet plum sauce, sprinkle a bit of long onion (not quite a spring onion) and then put duck on top and fold it up. Very nice, although I'm not really a duck person.
Beef and noodles: Great
There was also rice and peanuts and sauces and bits and pieces. It was absolutely delicious, and we couldn't eat it all. It ended up costing about $30 each AUD. It was wonderful! I think we need to keep getting people to show us great places to eat. My orientation at school starts on the 7th August, and the schedule shows lots of restaurants. I love PD where you eat!
After dinner we went for a walk, and the kids were amazed when it started raining, unexpectedly. One of them asked if there was much pollution in the rain, and we decided not to open our mouths:)
And here is where I say to Mr Kennedy, "THANKS FOR NOT TELLING ME ABOUT LOCKHART RD!!!" This is apparently the red light district, and that aircraft carrier I mentionned earlier had deposited a ton of US sailors in town, so it was very busy. Don't ever go there! Especially on a Saturday night! Especially with your kids! The whole scene took on a nightmare quality when we discovered there was no easy escape. There was a whole row of taxis wating, but they all had an "out of service" sign on the dashboard. No idea what that was about....
We all needed some comfort after that, so we headed for Times Square, and David and Rachel and Hugo had Krispy Kremes, and I bought some perfume. Sounds fair to me. I gave my perfumes away when we came to Hong Kong, as I couldn't justify their presence in my 20kg, and I was really ready for something new.
Sorry there are no photos of the restaurant - the batteries were recharging.
Sunday: We went to church, and there were a few more people, but many are still on holidays. We invited another newly arrived family over for dinner next Saturday, and we are really looking forward to it.
Tomorrow our beds and other bits and pieces arrive!