So much gelato, so little time
The last couple of days has been hot! On Wednesday we needed a recuperation day after the Vatican, so we had just a small adventure. Lizzie, Rachel and I went off to the Pantheon - easy walking distance. We hadn't been able to see the interior on the weekend. It was a beautiful as it was two weeks ago. Rachel suggested that if it rains, we all run down and watch the water pour in through the oculus in the ceiling. Great idea. We wound our way back through the neighborhood, looking at churches and stopping occasionally for gelati. I think that even the simplest of Catholic churches in Rome is amazingly elaborate. And it really is true - that there's a church almost on every corner. One of our favorites was the church dedicated to Saint Nicholas. My favourite angels were in San Carlo al Corso. Instead of standing up seriously, they loll around or are in action stances, looking down on the congregation or the events in the art with great interest and liveliness. Some just hang about, reclined, looking like they're having a great conversation with each other.
Rachel bought some shoes for school and Lizzie bought a beautiful bag and leather-bound journal.
Yesterday Hugo came with us and we set off for Castel St Angelo. It is near the Vatican, and was sometimes used as a place for the Pope to hide during military attacks. We saw the narrow pathway on the wall that he used. Apparently some serious torture happened in the dungeons, but we didn't get to see that. Spectacular views from the top.
Next we went to the Isola Tiberina - a tiny island in the middle of the Tiber River. Apart from a hospital, there's not much on it. One end looks as if it must come alive at night, with an outdoor cinema and eating areas. The Bocce della Verita - the round stone face where you place your hand in its mouth and if you're a liar it will bite it off. This is from
This legend probably originates from Roman times. It is said that the rich wife of a Roman noble was accused of adultery. The woman denied the accusations, but her husband wanted to put her to the test by making her hand inside the stone mouth. Knowing perfectly well that she was lying, the woman used a very clever strategy. In front of a group of curious bystanders who had gathered around the Mouth of Truth, the man who was actually her lover embraced her and kissed her. She pretended that she didn't know him and accused him of being a madman and the crowd chased him away.
When she put her hand into the mouth, the woman declared that she had never kissed any other man apart from her husband and the poor madman who had just kissed her. In this way she was certain that she hadn't lied and her hand was saved. The betrayed husband saved her honour, but the Mouth of Truth lost its credibility and it is said that since that day it no longer carried out its function as a right and unappeasable judge.
We all made it through! Its right next to a very old church- catholic, but the art was decidedly Arabic so I think it's somewhat coptic. They do say masses there in Arabic.
Next we were off for a swim. It is REALLY hard to find a public swimming pool within Rome itself. The temps are mid-thirties and it's very humid, so we really need to swim! We found a pool next to the Colosseum, and trudged up the hill. Ten euros. 10 euros. That's about $15 AUD. Can you imagine? $15 to go for a swim! We had no choice - we were melting. The pool was very small, and the sides were grubby. I think the NIle was cleaner. You had to wear a swim cap, and some people chose not to wear their bikini tops. We stayed in one corner, watching our stuff. It was cooling, but I wouldn't pay 10 euro again.
We then waited for a metro train back to our neighborhood. Three came past so crammed with people that we didn't have a hope of getting on. Peoples backs were flattened against the doors and they had to breathe in when the doors opened. We went upstairs and waited another half an hour for a bus. Once on the bus we discovered we were only about a fifteen minute walk away from home!
We had dinner at an inexpensive restaurant a couple of blocks from Trevi Fountain - L'Archetto. The place was recommended by our free walking tour guide and they have 100 dishes from which to choose. Hugo: Spaghetti Carbonara. Rachel: Spaghetti with Funghi (mushrooms and tomatoes). Lizzie: Spaghetti Chanel: Lobster, brandy, cream, garlic and olive oil. Me: Spahetti Alex: Prawns, Walnuts, garlic, oil. Delicious!
Today it's going to be 36, so we're not sure what we'll do, yet. The laundromat is a strong probability...
More pics coming!
Hi folks!
What's the story behind the picture of Rachel in the brick wall with the hidey hole? The pictures of La Bocca della Verità come hot on the heels of asking Mum about the story behind that "Roman stone that bites your hand off in that Audrey Hepburn & Gregory Peck movie 'Roman Holiday'." - Have to think of more questions for Mum and then read the blog. Hugo looks like a believer in the story. All is well here. Love from Christopher
It's a crenellation at the Castel St Angelo, which was a fortress. You can't see the little tiny whole for shooting arrows - it's behind her. In the castle grounds we sure a gorgeous trebuchet with lots of roundish rocks to use as projectiles.
I can really get a feel for what you are up to thanks to MGM studios.
I too am a fan of movies set in Italy.
"A Room with a View" and "Rome Adventures" are another 2.
Do you feel heady?
PS on a boring note, do you have to vote while you live overseas?
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