Friday, August 03, 2007

Everyone in Hong Kong has an Octopus

I can't believe I haven't mentioned this already. The first day we went out with Rehanna, our relocation consultant (she's the extra person with us at Krispy Kreme's, and did a fantastic job of helping us get organised) she took us to the MTR (like a subway - the train kind, not the sandwich kind) and we each bought an Octopus Card. It looks like an atm card, and you put credit on it, then swipe it as you get on a bus or a train. You can also use it at MacDonalds (Hugo did this the day after he got his) and many shops. You can set your card up so that it recharges on your credit card whenever it gets below a certain point. Hugo's is in the form of a watch, but the strap broke, so when it's out of credit, David is going to take it apart and see if he can attach the gizmo to Hugo's regular watch. You can just wave your wallet over the scanner, you don't have to feed it through. They're fantastic.
The last thing we say as we leave the house is, "Do you have your octopus?"


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